House of Prayer: September Prayer Points

“My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.” ––Isaiah 56:7
“The effective fervent prayers of a righteous man avails much.” ––James 5:16a
Answered Prayers (Thank You, Lord):
1. For a glorious Rally Sunday. 2. For back to school blessings for the students and teachers. 3. For the safe return from Andrew’s sabbatical and Brian and Bill’s vacations. 4. For the ongoing success of the outreach at Henry’s: Theology on Tap and Mark Finlay’s men’s group. Bless the owner of Henry’s abundantly. 5. For the continued success of the Open Door Ministry. 6. For the intercessors that have committed to pray for each one of the speakers for the Mere Anglicanism Conference. 7. For the financial gifts being given for the Shine the Light Campaign.
Prayer Points (local needs)
1. For the young adults going off to college this month. May they have Godly roommates, Godly friends, and Godly teachers, and may they connect with good churches. 2. For the Mere Anglicanism Conference to be well-attended and all the speakers to be protected, healthy, and anointed with the message You have for them to bring. 3. For the Bishop, our clergy, and their families to be protected from any sickness, disease, and danger. 4. For the Generations Ministry plans to continue to come together. 5. For the Shine the Light Campaign to meet its goals and for our church to participate 100%. 6. For blessings upon Paul Reese as he joins the music ministry team. 7. For the mentoring ministry to be successful. 8. For the Understanding Spiritual Warfare teaching in October to be well attended. 9. For the Foundations and Spiritual Gifts classes to be well-attended. 10. For the Wednesday night service to grow and for the Praise Team to be blessed with new leadership and direction. 11. For blessings and wisdom for Governor McMaster.
Prayer Points for the Nations
1. God’s mercy and provision for all those affected by the earthquake in Morocco. 2. For a peaceful solution and end to the war in Ukraine and for the blockade to the grain shipments to be removed. 3. For the gangs to be broken up in Haiti. For the safe evacuation of Americans and for the necessary help to be sent in to bring order and humanitarian aid. 4. For blessings upon Israel and peace to be in the walls of Jerusalem. 5. For safety for the translators left in Afghanistan that helped America. 6. For our borders to be protected and the cartels to lose their power. 7. For those missing from the fires in Maui to be found. Restoration to begin. 8. For the help needed for those that had damage from the hurricane. 9. For a wave of repentance to come over our country that would begin a major revival once again across our nation. Have mercy, Father.
II Chronicles 7:14: “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”
May we be found faithful to apply this Scripture to our lives.
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