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Christianity and Mental Health

News--John Dickson Bible Study

I went to Porter-Gaud Bible Study on Wednesday not just for pizza and an Australian accent, but also for the wise words of John Dickson. I am the type of person who tends to follow my head not my heart. Therefore, I found the intellectual logic and information that Dr. Dickson offered particularly satisfying....

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New Offering for Grandparents


Grandparents, are you ready to be encouraged and equipped to influence your grandchildren spiritually? To make them disciples of Jesus Christ and to get to know other grandparents who are doing the same thing for their own grandchildren? Join us on Thursdays following the Rector’s Bible Study as we pray and gather in small groups, using the Legacy Coalition’s guide, ...

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Centering Prayer: An Oasis for Your Soul

News--Centering Prayer

How long has it been since you intentionally put away your electronics and simply sat in a chair, listening to the stillness of a quiet room? How long since you muted your phone and your music and drove...

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John Dickson Returns This Sunday

News--John Dickson 2

The first of Australian author and speaker John Dickson’s two Sundays at St. Philip’s could not have been scheduled any better, as it coincided with a day when the children’s choirs of St. Philip’s were singing. “Kids sing” Sundays always put a few more folks in the pews, and sometimes those folks are people who have not heard very much about the Christian fait...

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Avocado Trees for the Children!

Avocado trees

Each Saturday, the Dufatanye Organization (DO) in Rwanda holds a Children’s Bible and Breakfast Club at our ministry center. Using flannel boards and over 600 colorful flannel pieces, we teach a Bible lesson and then serve the children a breakfast of porridge or milk and bread. Sometimes, we have up to 250 children in attendance! We divide the children according to age, ...

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(Re)Introducing Your Home Missions Team

News--Home Missions Team

The Home Missions Team (formerly the Home Missions Committee) is a group of parishioners commissioned by the leadership of the parish to discern, communicate, and organize the parish’s local mission and outreach efforts. The Team leads by example and provides the congregation of St. Philip’s with opportunities to serve and minister to the people of Charleston by partne...

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Guest Preacher and Speaker This Week and Next: The Rev. Dr. John Dickson

News--John Dickson

John thinks, writes, and speaks for a living. His journey has been an eclectic one. Starting out as the singer-songwriter for the 90s rock band In the Silence, he now works as an author and academic with a busy international speaking schedule (occasionally dabbling in his love of music). John is committed to delivering creative, engaging content, grounded in careful ...

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Reunited: How Instagram Made a Family Whole Again


One day in late November, a staff member discovered a crab and a giraffe left behind in the Parlor. They were siblings––we could tell by the way they bickered with each other. We tried to find their home through Instagram, but no one came forward. Some weeks later, we tried again. Still no luck. Although they were doing well with us, clearly trying to be on their best ...

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Marching for Life

News--March for Life

I had an amazing time at the March for Life even though I was a little nervous going into because I didn’t know everyone going with St. Philip’s (or the other 800,000 people who were there). Just as I arrived at the airport, I received a text saying that our flight was delayed but that we should still head on over, which was an interesting start to my experience. At t...

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Seeing the Cross: Notes on Natural Evangelism


Evangelism. Up until one week ago, I was scared of that word. It carries so much meaning, so much responsibility. On Sunday, January 20, Canon J.John came and spoke at the Rector’s Forum and preached that morning. While I was unable to hear his talk at the Rector’s Forum (I’m definitely listening to it this week!), I heard his sermon. It was so spirit-filling and en...

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