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Archives for September 2020

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Daily Devotion with Brian McGreevy: September 29

News--Devotion McGreevy September 29

Learn today about Joseph Addison, a famed British essayist and the author of Cato...

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Ministry in the Time of COVID-19

News--Ministry in the time of COVID-19

That title sounds like it belongs to a science fiction novel, one that would open, “It all started while the world was still spinning but suddenly came to a halt. It seemed that all social mores were lost as the gravity of the pandemic gripped the once bustling planet. A silent planet it became, for the noise of machine and man came to a rest. Birds once forgotten could ...

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Join Us For Holy Communion on Sunday!

Justin Hare 500x333

We are offering in-person worship with services of Holy Communion at 8:15 and 10:30 a.m.! If you reserved space, you may get checked in and seated by an usher beginning 45 minutes before the start of the service; the ushers will begin seating those without reservations on a first-come, first-served basis five minutes before each service. Note that the 10:30 service did rea...

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Daily Devotion with Brian McGreevy: September 24

News--Devotion McGreevy September 24

Today, the Rev. Brian McGreevy shares the story of Isaac Watts, a prodigy who became perhaps the most prolific hymn writer of England, writing at least 750 hymns after his father, a minister, challenged him to make a change to church music. "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross," like all of Watts's hymns, is loaded with good theology, and it is an intensely personal hymn that...

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A Grand Opportunity: Maintaining Camp St. Christopher

News--St. Christopher

As you can imagine, a 300+ acre beachfront property like St. Christopher Camp and Conference Center needs to be well cared for. As you can also imagine, in the middle of a COVID world where the Barrier Island Environmental Educational program, summer camp, and other year-round event income abruptly stops, you are forced to make tough decisions. St. Christopher Camp and Con...

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Spiritual Gifts: A Weekend of Discovery and Friendship


While studying the book of 1 Corinthians, our men’s Bible study group became intrigued with the subject of spiritual gifts. Many voiced concerns that they did not understand what these were or if they actually possessed any spiritual gifts. The Reverend Andrew O’Dell graciously offered to conduct a workshop to explore this topic, and thanks to much effort on the part o...

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Daily Devotion with Justin Hare: September 22

News--Devotion Hare September 22

Today's devotion was recorded in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States, and although several months have passed, many are still wondering in this ever-changing landscape: Are we safe? Using Matthew 10:16-31, the Rev. Justin Hare helps us to understand our fear, to actively seek wisdom, and to trust God, in whose hands we are safer than we could ever ...

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Prioleau Alexander's "Feet in the Vineyard: Al Phillips" from Carolina Compass

News--Al Phillips

Many successful businessmen reach the peak of their church service when they assume the vaunted role of usher. This is not the men’s fault, of course — it is a tradition stretching back more than 2,000 years to when a little-known apostle named Fred served as the usher for the Last Supper, then slipped out before communion....

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Worship With Us On Sunday!


Worship with us on the Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost, September 20...

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Daily Devotion with Andrew O'Dell: September 17

News--Devotion O'Dell September 17

"Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God." (Psalm 42:5,11; 43:5) God loves you, and even when you're going through difficult times of sadness, discouragement, or aimlessness, he never forgets you, and he never stops treasuring you...

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Daily Devotion with Brian McGreevy: September 15

News--Devotion McGreevy September 15

Join the Rev. Brian McGreevy to learn how the most unlikely hymn writer in history, John Newton, went from being "the most profane, obscene, and obnoxious young man" to being the ordained priest who penned the words to "Faith's Review and Expectations," the hymn we know now as "Amazing Grace."...

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Worship With Us On Sunday!

Brian McGreevy 2019-500x333

Worship with us on the Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost, September 13...

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Daily Devotion with Justin Hare: September 11

News--Devotion Hare September 11

Collect for the Commemoration of September 11: Eternal God, in whose perfect kingdom no sword is drawn but the sword of righteousness, and no strength known but the strength of love: We pray thee so mightily to shed and spread abroad thy Spirit, that all peoples and ranks may be gathered under one banner, of the Prince of Peace; as children of one God and Father of all; to...

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Daily Devotion with Brian McGreevy (repost)

Brian McGreevy 2019-500x333

"Come, thou fount of ev'ry blessing, tune my heart to sing thy grace." Today, let's contemplate the transformative power of the Holy Spirit as we revisit the Rev. Brian McGreevy's May 28 reflection on "Come, Thou Fount of Ev'ry Blessing," which is also part of this Sunday's 10:30 service, and prepare for worship by stepping back in time to the mid-18th century to meet R...

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Worship With Us On Sunday!

Justin Hare temp 500x333

Worship with us on the Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost, September 6...

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Daily Devotion with Justin Hare: September 4

News--Devotion Hare September 4

Jesus said in Matthew 5:13, "You are the salt of the earth. But if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people's feet." But there's more to salt than its flavor. Using the Rev. Dr. Timothy Keller's keynote address at the 2018 National Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast as a gu...

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Daily Devotion with Andrew O'Dell: September 3

News--Devotion O'Dell September 3

The human brain is a fascinating subject, capable of so many extraordinary things...

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