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Post Category: Choir

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Canterbury and St. David Choirs Sing for St. David’s Society Annual Great Feast

News--St. David Society 2024

On Thursday, March 7, our Canterbury and St. David choristers sang for the St. David’s Society’s Annual Great Feast––the 22nd time our singers have been in attendance since 2000! ...

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House of Prayer: March Prayer Points

News––Frenchie Richards Prayer Points

Answered Prayers (Thank You, Lord): 1. That the Parish Annual Meeting was well attended. 2. For the abundant financial blessings in 2022. 3. For the new Vestry members. 4. For the continuing successful attendance of young people at the Theology on Tap ministry. 5. For the children’s choirs (100 children are involved!). ...

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St. Philip’s Choir Residency: A Note from Pat Gould

News--Choir at St. Paul's

August 17, 2022: Mere words fall short when describing the grandeur of Sir Christopher Wren’s magnificent St. Paul’s Cathedral, which opened in 1710. This week, as our choir expertly sings Evensong each day, I feel as though God is giving us a foretaste of our heavenly home. An aura of God’s love for us surrounds us! Jeff Harbin, Director of Music at St. Helena’s i...

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Get To Know Our New Children's Choir Director!

news--Zippy Hood

My name is Zippy Hood, and I am the new children’s choir director at St. Philip’s Church. I am excited to meet all of you and make glorious music to honor our God. I have an extensive choral and instrumental background, teaching both in the private and public sector....

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Thank You for a Hugely Successful Auction!

News--Art Auction

This past Saturday, the St. Philip’s Choir hosted the lively and elegant art auction we’d been looking forward to for so long! For months, we had worked to collect magnificent art from extremely generous artists, solicit homemade goodies from our choir chefs and friends, research artists and their artwork, and organize bid sheets for the evening, which would benefit th...

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The St. Philip's Choir Is Going to London!

News--St. Paul's

The St. Philip's Choir has been invited to serve as the resident choir at St. Paul's Cathedral in London the week of August 15–21, 2022, and all parishioners are invited to join us on this exciting adventure––you could even come along as a new choir member!...

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Serving the Lord in Song: Children's Choirs at St. Philip's

News--Hethcox Choir

St. Philip’s Children’s Choir program brings together almost one hundred children who actively serve the Lord in rehearsals on a weekly basis September through May. The joy and love of serving the Lord in song begins early at St. Philip’s with the three- and four-year-olds of the Cherub Choir. These children grow in their love of the Lord and in their service to the ...

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Let Me Hear Your Song

Haber Family

When we moved to Charleston in 2010, we found a house on Church Street, a few short blocks from the church. Victoria turned three shortly afterward, and it was time to find a preschool. We found a spot for her at the little school at St. Philip’s, and we met Jo Hethcox, who invited Victoria to participate in the Cherub Choir. ...

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Follow Along on the Canterbury and St. David Choristers' European journey!


Keep an eye on the blog for pics and updates!...

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Countdown to Canterbury!


The Canterbury Choir departs for the International Children's Choir Festival in Canterbury and London on Saturday, July 20! Please pray that their travels there are trouble-free and that the words of the anthems they sing might reach the hearts of those listening and spread the Gospel of our Lord. ...

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