Now is the time for all of our parish family to come together with every gift pledge, large or small, as we celebrate God's work here at St. Philip's and prepare for future ministry. Whether it's a few dollars from a child's lemonade stand or a more substantial gift, every person in our parish family matters, and we want everyone to be part of this generational opportunity to shine the light. If you haven't yet pledged, now is the time--as the old song says, "This little light of mine; I'm going to let it shine!" We need all those lights together to shine brightly for the Gospel!

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Posts by Bob Kunes, St. Philip's Vestry

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Restoring Glory: Fall Clean-Up Day at St. Christopher

News--Fall Cleanup St. Christopher

Saturday, the 20th of November, dawned windy and chilly with temperatures in the high 40s, but that did not stop 10 Saint Philippians from driving to Saint Christopher Camp and Conference Center on Seabrook Island for the fall cleanup day. Saint Christopher has been a sacred place where our triune God has met and blessed so many people in this Diocese. ...

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Armed with Gloves: St. Philip's Workday at St. Christopher

News--St. Christopher workday Warlick

It began with a simple question to Martha Freshley, the Senior Warden of St. Philip's Church, from parishioner Dr. Heather Dawson. “With the struggles that St. Christopher is having as a result of the pandemic, would the Vestry consider having a St. Philip's work day at St. Christopher?” Martha brought the question to the Vestry at our September 2020 meeting. I serv...

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