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Post Category: Legal Update

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SC Supreme Court Issues Ruling

News--Legal Update

Dear St. Philip’s Parish Family, Earlier this morning, the Supreme Court of South Carolina issued a ruling in the lawsuit involving the Anglican Diocese of South Carolina and its parishes (ruling linked below). We are grateful to report that the Court ruled that St. Philip’s is the owner of all of its real and personal property and that the Episcopal Church (TEC) h...

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Breaking News: St. Philip's Legal Update

News--Legal Update

Today, Judge Edgar W. Dickson, Judge of the First Judicial Circuit in the South Carolina Court of Common Pleas, issued an Order finding that St. Philip’s did not accede to the 1979 Dennis Canon and is thus the owner of its property. He further found that no other Parish acceded to the Dennis Canon and thus no trust was ever created in favor of The Episcopal Church (TEC)....

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