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Posts by John Kerrison

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Top Twelve Reasons You Should Attend Evensong This Sunday (and Every Second Sunday)

Copy of Evensong flyer (620 x 400 px)

1. Evening Worship Opportunity. Other than our Wednesdays Alive! service and a few other times during the year when we worship in the evening (e.g. Ash Wednesday, Maunday Thursday, and Christmas Eve), we’re accustomed to doing formal church worship in the mornings. Worship in the evening adds some variation that refreshes your circadian worship cycle....

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Witnessing to My Younger Self

News--John Kerrison

On Thursday, February 16, old man John Kerrison (me) got to speak to young man John Kerrison (me too)—well, a thirty-five year younger version of myself. I had the privilege of speaking to a group of Citadel cadets in the Citadel chapter of the Fellowship of Christians Athletes (FCA), which is led by Christy Meadows, the wife of Citadel chaplain Aaron Meadows. FCA is one...

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