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Archives for September 2021

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Meet Godfrey Karema: Ambassador of Hope in Rwanda

News--Godfrey Dufatanye

Each Sunday morning during worship, we pray for “victims of genocide and AIDS in Rwanda.” The Dufatanye Organization (DO) in Nyanza, Rwanda, is a non-government organization (NGO) that reaches out to these victims, most of whom are desperately scarred—physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Many suffer from PTSD, but they now experience a sense of belongi...

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Worship with Us on the Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost!


Come worship with us on Sunday––and join us for Sunday School for all ages and the Rector's Forum! This is the Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost, and the Rev. Andrew R. O'Dell will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options. ...

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"House of Prayer" Prayer Points

News--House of Prayer Richards

In Isaiah 56:7, the Word of God says, “My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.” We have never needed to remember these words more than right now. My hope is that our church will begin to consider the prayer points offered up below for us to pray. James says in 5:16, “The effective fervent prayers of a righteous man avails much.” ...

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Worship with Us on the Seventeenth Sunday After Pentecost!

Justin Hare 2021 500x333

Come worship with us on Sunday––and join us for Sunday School for all ages and the Rector's Forum! This is the Seventeenth Sunday After Pentecost, and the Rev. Justin C. Hare will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options....

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A Letter from the Finance Committee: Repairs to North Balcony and Entry Gates

News--Gate Balcony Finance Committee

As you are likely aware, this July we had to close the north balcony and the historical entry gates to our church. This closing was necessary for the safety of our parishioners as well as visitors and tourists. The north balcony has had falling plaster as a result of water intrusion and our beautiful gates have experienced structural failure over the years, which has resul...

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You're Invited to Rally Sunday!

Jeff Miller 2021 500x333

Come worship with us on Rally Sunday––and join us for the return of Sunday School for all ages, the Rector's Forum, and parish fellowship lunches! This is the Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost, and the Rev. Jeffrey S. Miller will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options. ...

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Worship With Us on the Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost!

Bill Christian 2021 500x333 update

Come worship with us on the Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost! The Rev. William K. Christian III will be preaching; read on for in-person and online options....

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