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Posts by Dorothy Lancaster, Director of Ministry to Children and Families

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Welcome, Trisha Reese, Nursery Ministry Coordinator!

News--Reese Nursery

Dear St. Philip’s Family, Some of you may know that Ms. Morgan Bearsch, who has been lovingly welcoming the children in nursery for the past three years in addition to working in our preschool five days a week, recently made the decision to step away from her role as Nursery Ministry Coordinator to make a shift in her work/life balance. We completely understand and su...

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Prayer as Worship: Enter His Gates With Thanksgiving and His Courts With Praise!

News--Prayer as Worship

Let’s face it: There are a lot of wonderful ways to spend a beautiful spring Saturday in Charleston. But I would contend there is no better way than at the Prayer as Worship offering led by Frenchie Richards and Pam Dickson this past Saturday at St. Philip’s....

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Celebrating Advent at Home


Sometimes we as Anglicans overlook or neglect some of the best tools that we have in our faith-growing toolbox. The liturgical calendar that our forefathers had the wisdom and insight to establish so long ago can still be incredibly useful in our busy lives. Case in point: the Season of Advent, a built-in time to pause and reflect on the incredible gift that Jesus is and t...

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Making Waves at VBS

News--VBS 2022

We know that a church is not the building but the people who come together to worship and serve alongside one another, and this year’s Vacation Bible School was a beautiful representation of just that. Children, youth, young adults, parents, grandparents, and loving members of our congregation all came together June 13-16 to help us have the Very Best (week of) Summer!...

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Families, Are You Ready for the Lenten Jesus Storybook Bible Challenge?

News--JSB Challenge

St. Philip’s families, as we get ready to enter into the liturgical season of Lent, I want to challenge you to read the Bible together as a family. New Lenten disciplines can feel like New Year’s resolutions, something that we start with the best of intentions but usually don’t follow through with. Therefore, I am encouraging you to choose a level of the challenge th...

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