Now is the time for all of our parish family to come together with every gift pledge, large or small, as we celebrate God's work here at St. Philip's and prepare for future ministry. Whether it's a few dollars from a child's lemonade stand or a more substantial gift, every person in our parish family matters, and we want everyone to be part of this generational opportunity to shine the light. If you haven't yet pledged, now is the time--as the old song says, "This little light of mine; I'm going to let it shine!" We need all those lights together to shine brightly for the Gospel!

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Post Category: Youth Group

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Surprise Baby Shower at Senior Send-Off!

News--Baby Shower

Our last senior high night of the ’23-’24 youth group season was marked by surprises, laughter, tears, and amazing fellowship! Our sweet youth groupers threw me a surprise baby shower. I went home with bags of books for Baby Baldwin! My husband and I are so excited to read our son all the wonderful stories that we were gifted....

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More Than Conquerors

News--Jackson Ayers

Ever since November 2019, I have been a Leader in Training for the middle school youth group. When lockdowns started and everything became virtual, I missed helping the middle school youth grow in their walk with Christ. Every Friday night, I thought to myself: “What would middle school have been like today if the virus never existed?” When lockdowns were lifted, schoo...

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Ding Dong, St. Philip’s Youth Group Calling!

Youth Service Project Fall 2019

The Saturday before Thanksgiving, several St. Philippian youths met up with youth minister David Gilbert and youth leader Sarah Silcox to go door-to-door downtown to collect canned goods for Tricounty Family Ministries ahead of one of its busiest weeks of the year. The kids divided themselves into small groups and headed off in all directions to begin their mission to t...

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Polly Dickson: “Bad Cop” with a Servant’s Heart

Polly Dickson.JPG

Polly Dickson has been volunteering as a youth leader at St. Philip’s for 17 years, which means, if the middle schoolers are correct when they guess that she’s 25 now, she started when she was just eight years old. For 16 of those years, she’s worked side by side with youth minister David Gilbert, and they’ve developed a leadership style for middle schoolers that w...

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Summer Surprise

Chase and Grace

This summer when Grace stayed with me the first two weeks in July, I was looking for something for her to do at St. Philip’s, knowing that most children’s activities were in recess, a well deserved rest for the teachers and leaders. I was surprised, then, to see an announcement in the eSPIRE about a Tuesday evening program led by David Gilbert. Before his program, at 5...

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What’s Another Word for Hospitality? “McAdams!”

Youth Group McAdams

Sunday, May 19, was a gorgeous day and our last high school youth group of the season. What was different about this when compared to other senior high send-offs? The McAdams family hosted our youth group at their home on Shem Creek. Allison (Mrs. McAdams) had been asking me for a while to please take her up on her offer to host us during a high tide. She twisted my arm so...

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