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Posts by Susan C. Keller, World Missions Committee

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Dufatanye Organization Director To Visit St. Philip’s

Events--Godfrey Karema

One of our world mission partners is the Dufatanye Organization (DO) in Rwanda, a truly amazing Christian organization which is improving the lives of widows, orphans, and families in impoverished communities, many of whom are suffering as a result of genocide and AIDS. The founder and director, Karema Godfrey, will be visiting the States over the next couple of weeks an...

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Persecuted Christians need our Prayers

News--Open Doors USA kidnapped

It is difficult for us here in beautiful Charleston, the “Holy City,” to fathom the reality that there are 365 million brothers and sisters in our world who can lose their jobs, homes, and very lives just for believing in Christ or even owning a Bible. Yet we must not turn away from these horrific facts no matter how hard they are to think about. We must pray regularly...

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Pray for the People of Haiti

News--Haiti 2022

Our Lord loves the people of Haiti. Brothers and sisters, please pray for them. The tragic situation of gang warfare, which has been worsening month by month since July 2021 with the assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moise, has now reached new levels of chaos, violence, and disarray. 80% of the capital city is now controlled by criminal groups. Schools and busines...

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World Missions at St Philip’s Gets a Shot in the Arm with a Visit from Jenny Noyes and Chris Royer


Our church was blessed by hosting the Mere Anglicanism in so many ways. One of those ways was that some of the amazing people who came to Charleston to attend the conference January 18–20 then came to worship with us on Sunday the 21st. We were so very blessed to have two special people who are surely some of the most “in the know’’ folks for Anglican mission in th...

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What Is "The Chosen" All About and How Can I Watch It?

News--The Chosen

The Chosen is the first multi-season series about the life and ministry of Jesus. Its success and popularity have been a huge surprise to Hollywood because it is completely independently funded, produced, and directed apart from any influence from any of the mainstream studios....

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Ladies: Why You Should Not Miss Hearing Valerie Elliot Shepard at the ECW Fall Dinner onTuesday

News--Valerie Shepard

We have a rare opportunity to hear this precious, humble, articulate woman of God, who is now being sought after by churches and organizations all over the country to share her parents’ story as well as her own faith journey. As you have heard, she is the only daughter of two of the most beloved missionaries of the 20th century....

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St Philip’s Well-Represented at New Wineskins Conference!

News––New Wineskins 2022

Imagine singing praises to God with all your heart with 1600 people from all over the world! It was definitely a magnificent taste of heaven. St. Philippians, as well as lots of dear friends from across our diocese, were able to be a part of the 2022 New Wineskins Anglican Global Mission Conference at Ridgecrest Conference Center in Black Mountain, NC. This conference is h...

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Martha Vetter To Visit Rwanda

News--Martha Rwanda

The World Missions Team asks for your prayers for Martha Vetter as she travels to visit one of our world missions partners, The Dufatanye Organization (DO), in Nyanza, Rwanda, June 19 through July 13....

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Thanksgiving for a Long Obedience in One Direction: A Tribute to Gerry McCord

Gerry McCord 2019

This past December marked 25 years that Gerry McCord has served St. Philip’s as chair of the World Missions Committee at St. Philip’s. That is twenty-five years! Also in December, Gerry stepped down from this role, and I will be stepping into it. As I considered this task, I marveled at Gerry and at his servant’s heart through these many years. Gerry lives his life ...

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Frontier Missions and Our New Missions Partner

News--Anglican Frontiers Missions

There’s been a wonderful development from our World Missions Committee this year. We are adding the frontier missions organization Anglican Frontier Missions (AFM) to our annual giving budget! As part of your giving to St. Philip’s, you are now in this partnership as well. ...

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Prayers Needed for Christian Girls and Families in Persecuted Areas of the World

News--Open Doors USA kidnapped

There is a dark and evil trend occurring in our world right now. Open Doors USA reported this week that two Christian girls are disappearing each day. Open Doors is an international organization that provides support to persecuted Christians across the world and is a highly regarded source of research and information for the Body of Christ worldwide....

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Why I Tithe; or, The Wedding Dress

News--Keller Wedding Dress

I began tithing sometime after college when I began my first job. Despite being a young believer, I understood that tithing was a way to show God how much I trusted Him to provide for me. Then a speaker came to St. Philip’s in the mid-1980s whose message greatly impacted my thinking about giving. I was challenged not only to tithe, but to see everything I had as God...

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World Missions Update: LAMB and Suzy McCall

LAMB Honduras kids

LAMB Institute continues to be on lockdown along with all of Honduras, with the children attending school online or receiving packets from their teachers every week. Staff members at God's Littlest Lambs Children's Home take strict precautions, and the home continues to be COVID-free. Some other LAMB staff members have had to quarantine with mild cases of COVID, but thanks...

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COVID-19 and our Mission Partners: Mighty Prayers Needed

News-Missions Update

If we are honest, I think it would be safe to say that most of us are focused on our own needs at this incredibly unpredictable and challenging time. Some are out of work, parents are having to homeschool for the first time, some are sick with the virus, and all of us are experiencing a level of uncertainty like none before. Yet while we here in America are facing this dif...

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LAMB’s Dinner Party With a Purpose: A Strong and Timely Word from Suzy McCall

LAMB's Party With a Purpose

The 10th annual LAMB Dinner Party With a Purpose on October 24th was a very blessed night in the Lord. Thank you to all who prayed and helped make that night a true gospel success. There were many St. Philippians who came out even though they had to pack for Kanuga! Thank you. The theme for the event was God’s charge to Joshua, “Be strong and courageous ...” ...

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Hearts Filled to Overflowing: A Report from the LAMB Board Mission to Tegucigalpa, Honduras

LAMB Board Trip 2019 Post

We’ve been hearing a great deal about Honduras in the news these days. Over 200,000 Hondurans have fled to the US just in the last nine months. With 67% of the Honduran people living in poverty, major gang activity affecting the everyday life of most people, crimes committed with few prosecutions, and corruption in the government even to the highest levels, you can under...

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A Time to Mourn: Report from LAMB

sallie II

As many of you know, Suzy McCall’s beautiful 16-year-old, Sallie, died suddenly on Sunday, May 12. Experiencing a heartbreak beyond words, Suzy, the founder and spiritual director of LAMB, has been shatterred, as any mother would be. She had raised sweet Sallie since she was six months. Sallie was one of our very first “God’s Littlest Lambs” that the Lord used to l...

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