The sanctuary and graveyard are currently closed to visitors due to construction and renovations taking place as part of our Shine the Light capital campaign.
February 4, 2025by Paul F. Reese III, Associate Director of Music and Organist
After participating in the dedication of the Rangi New Testament last August, I was blessed with an hours-long drive with a missionary friend Jared, and Anderson, a Tanzanian Christian and devoted choir member. We got to talking about many things, including church music. To my delight, Anderson encapsulated in a few short statements some of the reasons we Christians are to be a singing people. I want to share his statements exactly as he said them (English being his third language), elaborate briefly on each one, and give a song as an example. I hope his words will impact and bless you as they did me....
February 4, 2025by Becky Barber, Home Missions Committee
The call to our parish to donate canned goods to Star Gospel was heard, and we received two Suburbans (thank you, Jill and Jennie!) and a small SUV filled with bags of canned goods, rice, pasta, etc. Thank you to the St. Philip’s office and to Lea and Rachel for helping coordinate and make the copies of the flyers. Thank you to all who handed out bags, donated, and loaded cars!...
February 4, 2025by Thomas Gurley, World Missions Committee
We are excited to have Mark Bartels and Dr. Charity Alinda from Uganda Christian University Partners, one of St. Philip’s world mission partners, joining us at the Rector’s Forum on Sunday, February 9. They will be speaking on the ministry of UCU and its impact on East Africa, with a Q&A session included....
This past Saturday morning, dozens of St. Philippians met bright and early at Hope to Home, one of our Home Missions ministry partners, for a Saturday Serve workday. I knew a little about Hope to Home but had never seen the facility nor volunteered in any role. I quickly learned there is a lot that goes into making Hope to Home function, and all of it is performed by volunteers....
Worship with us on the Presentation of Christ at the Temple! The Rev. Andrew R. O'Dell is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details.
Click the link below to read the St. Philip's eSPIRE, the email version of our weekly inSPIRE newsletter, which is packed with information about all that's going on in the life of our parish....
January 29, 2025by Suzanne McCord, World Missions Committee
A mobile clinic held last month at St. Jean-Baptiste, our sister church, in Plaine Mapou, Haiti, focused on prenatal exams and care for malnourished infants. Many soon-to-be mothers received check-ups, and clinicians administered Medika Mamba, a therapeutic food for malnourished children, and sent it home with parents, too....
Worship with us on the Second Sunday of Epiphany! The Rev. William K. Christian III is preaching; read on for in-person and online worship details. ...
St. Philip’s Academy Open Information Session Attendees Learn About Tuition, Curriculum, and More from Newly Named Primary School Director Trisha Reese
One hundred parents and grandparents gathered excitedly in the Parish Hall on Sunday afternoon to hear about St. Philip’s Academy’s plans to open K4 and K5 classrooms for the 2025-2026 school year. They were greeted by members of the Kindergarten Planning Committee: Ben Hagood, Martha Harken, Brendan O’Shea, Molly and Justin Hare, and Trisha Reese, a group that Ben Hagood noted represents 100 years of educational leadership!...
Join us for worship on the Seventh Sunday After Pentecost, July 19! The Reverend Marc R. Boutan will be preaching.
You may stream the service at the link below beginning a few minutes before 10:30 with the prelude, or you may watch at your convenience on our Vimeo Channel beginning at the same time. You may also watch on our YouTube Channel beginning at 8:15 a.m. ...
The first day of June marked the official start of hurricane season and according to experts, the season is off to a historically fast start. Natural disasters are occurring more often and with more severity than ever before. According to the United States Geological Survey, more droughts and intense storms are expected.
What is the difference between the wrath of God and the love of God? Join the Rev. Marc Boutan on Wadmalaw today as he explores a hymn he has a personal connection with, Townend and Getty's "In Christ Alone."...
On July 9, 2020, the Rt. Rev. Mark J. Lawrence, who has served as the Bishop of The Anglican Diocese of South Carolina since January 2008, announced his plans to call for a Bishop Coadjutor who will step into the role of Bishop of the Diocese at some time in the next 18 to 24 months....
Join us for worship on the Sixth Sunday After Pentecost, July 12! The Reverend Brian K. McGreevy will be preaching.
You may stream the service at the link below beginning a few minutes before 10:30 with the prelude, or you may watch at your convenience on our Vimeo Channel beginning at the same time. You may also watch on our YouTube Channel beginning at 8:15 a.m. ...
Take a look this morning at the great hymn "O Word of God Incarnate" and its author William Walsham How, an Anglican priest who wrote his first hymn at the age of 12.
O Word of God incarnate, O Wisdom from on high,
O Truth unchanged, unchanging, O Light of our dark sky,
We praise thee for the radiance that from the hallowed page,
A lantern to our footsteps, shines on...
"Be still, for the presence of the Lord, the Holy One is here." Visit with the Rev. Marc Boutan today as he considers the importance of contemplative prayer....
"Do you want to be made whole?" This is the question Jesus asked a man who had been sick for 38 years in John chapter 5. What does this miraculous sign point to in our own lives?...
In today's devotion, explore another of Charles Wesley's great hymns, "Love Divine, All Loves Excelling," which has some unexpected influences. "Pray and praise thee without ceasing, glory in thy perfect love."...